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Additional Resources

More Information on Sponsorship

Questions & Answers on Sponsorship (Alcoholics Anonymous)


Twelve Step Sponsorship How It Works (Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation)


Sponsorship in CoDA (Co-Dependents Anonymous)


Got Sponsors? (Al-Anon Family Groups)


Sponsorship (Eating Disorders Anonymous)

Litrature from many fellowships
Not sure if 12-Step is what you're looking for?


Here are some indications of addictive behaviors that 12-Step can help with.


Signs of Alcoholism: binge drinking, patterns of hangovers, blackouts, loss of control in determining how much to drink; obsessions and compulsions regarding alcohol, people expressing concern, sneak drinking, drinking to self-medicate, especially to cover up pain or other feelings.


Signs of qualifying for Al-Anon: having a concern or problem with alcohol use in a family member, friend or colleague, a loss of self-worth, feelins of anger, fear, resentments, guilt, shame, deterioration of relationships especially in the areas of trust, communications, intimacy, and love.


Signs for qualifying for other 12 Step Programs: a lowering of personal standards, chaos in life management, strained family relationships, lack of reliability, blaming others, not taking good care of ourselves, increasing regrets about our behavior patterns, and resisting changing our lives for the better.

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