"The key to freedom is in the steps..."
AA Big Book
Welcome to our Recovery Meeting
The 5 PM Meeting is a daily Open 12 Step Recovery Meeting meeting based on the Alcoholics Anonymous 12-Step Recovery Program. The meeting is held in person for guests at the Canyon Ranch in Tucson, Arizona, and Lenox, Massachusetts, and on Zoom for previous guests.
We are a non-clinical, recovery-based community that welcomes all 12-Step fellowships, embraces individuals in recovery from all addictions and addictive processes, supports individuals with family or friends in recovery, and provides resources to those who are simply curious about the program.
If you are not a Canyon Ranch guest, please click here for information about recovery in your home community.

==>One-Click Link for ALL MEETINGS<==
Open your Zoom App or go to Zoom.com and use:
Meeting ID: 813 1518 6491
Password: Serenity20
One tap mobile
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+16699006833,,81315186491#,,1#,481933# US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbu4WgcsfM